HVAC Technician Qualities

Important Qualities of an HVAC Technician All careers have their own requirements – both job skills and personality traits. Listed below are qualities that every HVAC technician should possess if they want to find success in the profession. Reliability:  When an air conditioning unit goes out, panic tends to set in quickly. It doesn’t matter if it’s a home or a commercial business – those occupants need help and they need it now. That’s why

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Refrigeration System Basics

Refrigeration, by definition, is the process of removing heat from a material or space, so that its temperature becomes lower than its surroundings. While this sounds like a simple concept, the intricacies of refrigeration systems require the attention and expertise of well-trained HVAC Technicians. At the HVAC Technician Program at MIAT, qualified instructors teach students how to master this complex equipment, which prepares them for successful HVAC careers down the road. At the most basic level,

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HVACR Technologies

MIAT Evolves With HVACR Technologies The technology driving heating, cooling and refrigeration systems has made radical advancements in the past decade. The installation and maintenance processes that these complex systems have undergone have created a great demand for skilled HVACR technicians. To accommodate these industry needs, MIAT offers HVACR career training in Canton, Mich.* After the housing bust of 2007-2009, the gradual recovery of the market increased the need for HVACR workers who can handle

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HVAC Technicians

Spring is the Season for HVAC Technicians As we head into the spring season, the temperature begins to rise, the sun continues to shine later in the day, and everything outside starts to turn from brown and yellow to green. There are plenty of reasons to be in a cheerful mood this time of year – unless you’re going home to an unmaintained HVAC system, that is. In that case, spring may not be so pleasant.

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HVAC Technician Career

Exploring a career as an HVAC technician You’ve passed the classes. You’ve muscled through the hands-on, labor-intensive projects. And now you’ve even nailed the job. Every bit of knowledge you’ve gained since starting the program is itching to jump out of your brain and into some real-world work. But what should you expect when you enter the life of an HVAC technician? Like any job, you’ll spend a majority of the time practicing your specific

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