Wind Energy

Wind Turbine Technician Career Opportunities

Interested in a career in the renewable energy industry? Want to make a difference in the transition to renewables including wind energy? In as little as seven months, you can train to become an entry-level wind turbine technician. Employment of wind turbine technicians is expected to grow 45 percent from 2022 to 2032, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.69 The U.S. is moving toward replacing fossil fuel with more environmentally friendly energy creation,

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How to Become A Wind Turbine Technician

Interested in becoming a positive force in the energy industry? The rise in popularity of renewable energy has led to a huge spike in demand for wind turbine technicians in these various fields. As numerous states seek to obtain more of their energy generation from renewable resources, the need for wind turbine technicians has never been greater. Wind energy is being utilized to provide renewable and clean energy for thousands of people across the country.

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Industry Changes Effect on Wind and Solar Energy Jobs

Did you know that one of the fastest growing sectors of employment is in the renewable energy industry? The growth in the employment of wind turbine technicians is 61% over the next decade and for solar photovoltaic installers the growth rate is 51%, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. There are thousands of job openings across the country in specific green energy industries. Luckily, many of these jobs can be obtained through a technical training school or

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Wind Power Technician Training Program: Tools and Skills

Are you interested in becoming a Wind Power Technician? Did you know that you can complete a Wind Power Technician training program in as little as 7 months? During the course of MIAT’s Wind Power Technician Training program, you will have the opportunity to learn about wind turbine tools. You will also develop essential professional skills necessary for a career building and maintaining wind turbines with attention to detail and safety. First, are you asking

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“Michigan’s Energy Boom More About Wind Than Oil”

A recent article in the Detroit Free Press discusses the increasing growth of the state’s energy industries beyond traditional fossil fuels. With a new push to update or replace many existing power plants powered by coal, new jobs are being created throughout the state especially in wind and other types of renewable energy. A study conducted on the effects of investment in new recycling and renewable energy programs showed the creation of over 20,000 jobs for skilled workers. Start your

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Wind Turbines

Parts of Wind Turbines Energy technicians all over the world utilize wind turbines to harness electricity powered by wind. While the concept of a wind turbine is simple enough, planning for and developing a wind farm is no simple task. For those interested in a wind energy career, these four turbine parts will become integral pieces of your everyday work life. The Wind Turbine Base The base, by definition, is the lower part of a

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Wind Energy Growth

Reasons Wind Energy Will Continue to Grow Students who have thought about a career as an energy technician should give it some real consideration. The energy industry continues to become more and more efficient in its practices, which is leading to a greater need for wind-generated electricity. MIAT is responding accordingly, training wind technicians in the latest technology and maintenance principles. Learn about a few reasons why wind energy isn’t going away anytime soon. Costs

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