wind energy training

How to Become A Wind Turbine Technician

Interested in becoming a positive force in the energy industry? The rise in popularity of renewable energy has led to a huge spike in demand for wind turbine technicians in these various fields. As numerous states seek to obtain more of their energy generation from renewable resources, the need for wind turbine technicians has never been greater. Wind energy is being utilized to provide renewable and clean energy for thousands of people across the country.

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5 Skills of a Successful Solar Installation Technician

One of the most in-demand jobs is that of a solar installation technician. With the growing popularity of solar, more solar installation technicians are required to install thousands of solar panels. Solar panels can cover acres of land in order to generate clean, reliable, and renewable energy for hundreds of thousands of consumers every year. Luckily, there are many programs to help train the best solar installers in the world. So, what are the most

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Industry Changes Effect on Wind and Solar Energy Jobs

Did you know that one of the fastest growing sectors of employment is in the renewable energy industry? The growth in the employment of wind turbine technicians is 61% over the next decade and for solar photovoltaic installers the growth rate is 51%, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. There are thousands of job openings across the country in specific green energy industries. Luckily, many of these jobs can be obtained through a technical training school or

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Wind Power Technician Training Program: Tools and Skills

Are you interested in becoming a Wind Power Technician? Did you know that you can complete a Wind Power Technician training program in as little as 7 months? During the course of MIAT’s Wind Power Technician Training program, you will have the opportunity to learn about wind turbine tools. You will also develop essential professional skills necessary for a career building and maintaining wind turbines with attention to detail and safety. First, are you asking

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