What Education Do You Need to Become an HVAC Technician? | MIAT

Are you interested in training to become an HVAC technician? To become an HVAC technician in Texas and Michigan, you must not only go through training but pass a state licensing exam. These exams certify you and give your clients assurance that you are the right experts for the job. It takes time to learn all the knowledge and skills necessary to pass the exam, and you will have to complete an apprenticeship as well. Through classroom instruction and real field experience, you will learn how to work with various types of heating, ventilation and air conditioning equipment in residences and commercial buildings.

What Education Do You Need to Become an HVAC Technician?

HVAC, now widely known as HVACR, is a diverse field of study that includes the installation, maintenance and repair of heating, ventilation, air conditioning and refrigeration systems. You will learn about the theories, processes and techniques used by real professionals through an accredited vocational school. HVACR vocational schools require students to be at least 18 years old and have a high school diploma or GED. You can begin studying as soon as you meet these requirements. Attending full-time, you can complete your diploma program in less than a year. On average, a full-time HVAC program takes 9 months to finish.2 After you complete your education, you will begin an apprenticeship and prepare to take the state licensing exam.

Do I Need a License to Be an HVAC Technician?

Yes. Most states, including Texas and Michigan, require technicians to hold a valid HVAC license. In Texas, applicants must have at least 48 months of practical experience under the supervision of a licensed HVAC technician in the past 72 months or have held their own technician certification for at least a year and performed at least 36 months of work under supervision of a licensed professional in the last 48 months. To qualify for a Michigan HVAC license, you will have to complete at least three years of HVAC work under the supervision of a licensed HVAC technician. There are several options for licenses in Michigan, including HVAC, refrigeration and ductwork. You can apply for apprenticeships on your own, but it\’s best to prepare yourself by attending an HVAC trade school for your education. What are the Benefits of Attending an HVAC Technician Program? There are many benefits to attending an HVAC Technician program. From a quick start toward a new career and experienced faculty to career development and more.1 These benefits are a great reason to learn more about becoming an HVAC technician. Benefit #1: A Quick Start Have responsibilities that stop you from attending a 4-year college? If you have 9 months to attend a vocational school full-time, you can start a new career as an HVAC technician.1 You will learn about heating, ventilation, air conditioning and refrigeration to prepare you to work in the HVAC industry. Whether you work for an HVAC franchise or start a business yourself, you have many different options for your career path.1 Benefit #2: Experienced Faculty At MIAT College of Technology, we hire industry experienced faculty to guide you through the complete curriculum in HVAC. Our faculty offers one-on-one attention and allows you to ask questions, so you don’t fall behind. Be more than a face in the crowd in a large lecture hall, enjoy the small classes and individual attention you get at a vocational school. Benefit #3: Like-Minded Classmates Nothing is better than working in groups with like-minded people. You will meet classmates of different HVAC skill levels and have an opportunity to network once you graduate from vocational school. You will also be able to create study groups that allow you to help one another fill in the gaps of your knowledge and skills around HVAC. Take the time to meet new classmates, you never know when you will need to network with them further on in your career.1 Benefit #4: Career Development In addition to giving you expert instruction from real HVAC technicians, you will also be given plenty of assistance in career development and licensing exam preparation.1 The vocational school will help you build a resume, prepare for interviews and try to match you with jobs that fit your passion and knowledge. Benefit #5: Hands-On Experience One of the best benefits of attending an HVAC technician program is all the hands-on experience you will get fixing, diagnosing, and maintaining real HVAC systems. Whether you are working in an HVAC lab on real equipment or participating in an externship, you will get real-world experience that you can include on your resume for future job opportunities. This experience will also give you confidence that you are ready to hit the ground running. Final Thoughts Now that you know what it takes to become an HVAC technician, it is time to learn more about the HVACR Technician program at MIAT College of Technology. If you enjoy working out of the office and have the communication skills and customer service to keep customers happy, then becoming an HVAC technician may be the right career path for you.1 Does an education in HVACR interest you? The HVACR Technician program at MIAT is 9 months in length for full-time students, assuming no interruption in training, and is offered at both the Michigan and Texas campuses. The training allows students to focus on their chosen field, graduating faster than it takes to earn a traditional 2 or 4-year college degree or complete a 3 to 5-year apprenticeship.1 To learn more about HVAC Program and to explore if MIAT is right for you, fill out the form on this page. Contact us if you are interested in becoming an HVAC technician today. 1UTI and MIAT are educational institutions and cannot guarantee employment or salary. 2For program outcome information and other disclosures, visit www.miat.edu/disclosures.